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Date: 5/15/2024
Subject: Events You Don't Want to Miss - May EBlast
From: LWVCS - Cupertino-Sunnyvale League of Women Voters

May 15, 2024



LWVCS is honored to celebrate AANHPI Heritage Month with the community. The theme for 2024 is “Advancing Leaders through Innovation.”


District 3 is excited to recognize local, state, and national AANHPI individuals and their contributions through leadership and innovation. Click HERE to learn more.


With the Santa Clara Library System, we also recognize May as Affordable Housing Month.


Santa Clara County Libraries – Pre-register Now for Summer Reading 2024!


Embark on a journey this summer with the Santa Clara County Library District’s Summer Reading Program, Adventure Begins at Your Library!


Dive into the pages of thrilling tales, explore far-off lands, and meet fascinating characters along the way. Our program offers something for every reader, adults, teens, and children. Look forward to programs including special performances, book clubs, and more. It’s free and fun for all ages! Stay tuned for additional details in the coming weeks. 


Adventure Begins at Your Library runs from Saturday, June 1 – Wednesday, July 31. However, participants can pre-register right now! Learn more at 

Cupertino-Sunnyvale Community Appeal!

Voters are always calling or writing to thank us for helping them cast their ballot. There was one who wrote and said her permanent residence is in Cupertino but every autumn she teaches at a school in the east for the fall semester and wasn’t sure she could still vote in California. After several phone calls and messages between one of our members and the Registrar of Voters, we were able to tell her she would be able to receive her California ballot in the east and to go ahead and mark it and mail it in.

This is just one of many stories from voters who thank our League for helping them with the elections. Our members work as volunteers but the League has expenses and your donation help us continue our work. This is the time we reach out to members and the community and ask for a donation. If you missed the previous instructions on how to do it, here they are: To donate electronically, go to our website, and click the Donate box. There you will see how you can donate online or if you prefer to write a check, at that site, there is a form you can print to send with a check.

Thanks for your help.

Roberta Hollimon
LWVCS Coffee Hour - Third Thursdays,
11am, May 16,with LWVCS leaders and members to learn about LWV National, LWVCS and LWV activities
- Join here - or via our website calendar link

To catch up on previous Coffee Hours, check here.


In The Neighborhood...

From LWV Diablo Valley:
Local journalism, as many have known it, seems to have disappeared. The polarizing and often inaccurate cries of 'fake news" and rise of so-called 'news deserts' with no local news outlets have led to a public crisis of confidence in news reporting, intensified by recent changes in both local and national news sources.
Join us for our Community Conversations webinar, where the panelists will examine these challenges and offer practical, hands-on solutions that people can use to be more news media literate, better informed about local issues, and motivate their civic engagement.
Professors and authors Mickey Huff and Nolan Higdon, from Diablo Valley College and Project Censored, will lead this discussion. They will be joined by Bob Butler, a retired veteran reporter for KCBS radio. Susan Hildreth, League of Women Voters Diablo Valley, will moderate. 
 Event is scheduled for May 16, 4pm.
Register here.
After registration, information on how to access the Zoom webinar will be sent to your email address 24 hours before the program. Audience questions will be collected and answered through the Zoom chat.
Community Conversations are co-spon
18pxsored by the League of Women Voters of Diablo Valley, the League of Women Voters of West Contra Costa County, CCTV, and the Contra Costa County Library.

The Library will provide closed captioning and ASL for this event, and the Library and LWVDV are underwriting simultaneous Spanish translation.  This program will be recorded and uploaded to the Library and LWVDV YouTube channels after the event.


Hosted by the UC National Center for Free Speech and Civic Engagement and PEN America on May 21, 2024 at 12:00 PM. Register here.
Many are drawing analogies between the activism on campuses today and what happened in the 1960s at Kent State, Columbia, Berkeley and other colleges and universities. What are the similarities and differences between then and now? How is protest distinct from civil disobedience and what role is each playing currently? Join a panel of experts to discuss these topics and how universities should respond in this moment and moving forward.

Can You Believe It? Maybe NOT! A Presentation on Mis/Disinformation and the Election, June 4, 5:30 - 7 pm, Walnut Creek Library (in-person) Are you concerned about the risks of mis- and disinformation in our media, or the potential uses of AI-generated images and video? Are you worried about the impact of mis- and disinformation on our culture, our communities, our election, and ultimately on our democracy? 
If so, please join the League of Women Voters of Diablo Valley for a presentation on Mis- and Disinformation -- how to spot it,  stop it, and report it, with a special focus on the 2024 election. The presentation is open to all and will be held at the Walnut Creek Library's Oak Room on Tuesday, June 4, from 5:30-7:00 pm.  Refreshments will be provided. Parking is available at the library.
Click here to register in advance. Drop-ins are also welcome.  


Join the Los Altos-Mountain View Area LWV on Saturday June 8, 2024, at Michaels at Shoreline (2960 N. Shoreline Blvd., Mountain View) to hear from Congresswoman Ann Eshoo, who has represented us in Congress for over 30 years.  She will share her observations on how the League can thrive, especially in light of ongoing threats to our democracy. 

Congresswoman Eshoo will begin her remarks at noon.  A buffet lunch will be served immediately after that.  The buffet lunch will include two choices of salad, roast red potatoes, steamed vegetables, chicken breasts in marsala sauce, salmon filets, three cheese ravioli in marinara sauce, and cheesecake for dessert.  The cost is $45.00.  Please register here.  Please register by May 28, 2024, so that we can get an accurate count for the lunch.    


Remember to Register for the LWVCS Annual Meeting


League of Women Voters Cupertino-Sunnyvale

2024-2025 Annual Meeting

Live & In-Person, June 8, 2024, 1:00 - 4:00
Our League has important news and needs to hear your voice about our
Direction, Leaders, Bylaws, Annual Dues and more!

 Click to Register Now!


Guest speaker Mike Fong, of the County Registrar of Voters

will discuss Election Security and Vote Center Project

See you at Sunnyvale Community Services Center in their Community Room

1160 Kern Sunnyvale     Map

And check out Useful League Documents on our website!

From Fremont Union High School District


FUHSD News here


Notice of Public Hearing on Developer Fees, May 21


FUHSD Districting: You can view some background information presented by FUHSD Superintendent, Graham Clark



From LWV US - Our agenda for the 56th Biennial League of Women Voters

National Convention in Washington, DC, and online, June 27 – 30,

now includes all breakout sessions!


League members are invited to attend National Convention as voting delegates or as observers.

Check out the registration information on the Convention website to learn more.  

Convention registration is open until June 10, and the deadline for reserving a hotel room in the LWV room block is June 3. 


The City's Housing Element Gets a Nod from the State

Housing Element

The City of Cupertino is pleased to announce that its draft housing element meets all legal requirements for State certification. The Department of Housing and Community Development’s (HCD) April 10, 2024, letter notified the City that the draft housing element meets the statutory requirements of State Housing Element Law (Gov. Code, § 65580 et seq.).

To view the full press release, click here: 34637 (


Next City Council meeting: June 4 & 18, 6:45pm 



Live Webcast 

To view the minutes and webcast archives visit: 
Agenda, Minutes & Webcast Archives

Cupertino Swiftly Adopts State-Approved Housing Element! 


Just a month after receiving the approval letter from HCD, the City of Cupertino adopted its Housing Element at last night’s council meeting. Council adopted the 2023 – 2031 Housing Element.

As background, the Housing Element is required by State law to be updated every eight years to determine the City’s housing needs, identify constraints to housing development, identify policies to encourage the development of housing, and demonstrate that the City has housing sites available to accommodate its allocation of new housing across a range of income levels during the eight years, 2023-2031. Cupertino’s housing allocation, determined and assigned by the State’s Housing and Community Development Department (HCD), is 4,588 housing units.

Since receiving HCD's letter, the City has held meetings with the Housing and Planning Commissions and the City Council to certify the Housing Element. The next step is the rezoning process, which is expected to be completed in July. At that point, the final draft of the Housing Element will be submitted to HCD for certification. 


Latest News on The Rise (Vallco Center Development) can be viewed here.


Sunnyvale City News & Events info here.


City Council & Commissions Meetings info here.


Did you miss any of our past speakers or would like to watch one again? Our recorded events from 2017 to current are available on our YouTube channel.

Watch previous Sustainability Speaker Series events.

Subscribe Options

Viewing Options Council meetings are:

  • Televised on the City's government access cable TV channel (AT&T channel 99 and Comcast channel 15). They are replayed Wednesdays at 7 p.m., and Saturday and Sundays at 4 p.m.
  • Broadcast on the Sunnyvale City Clerk YouTube Channel
  • Streamed online (Legistar system)


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Community Award Nominations Due 6/1

Post Date:05/15/2024 10:00 AM

Do you know an outstanding person who has made an impact on the Sunnyvale community? Nominate them for a 2024 Community Award.

Nomination Categories

You may make a nomination in the following categories:

  • Distinguished Resident of the Year
  • Educator of the Year
  • High School Student of the Year
  • Business/Businessperson of the Year
  • Contribution to the Arts
  • Environmental Achievement
  • Community Volunteer of the Year

You may submit multiple nominations submitting a separate form for each one.

Current Year’s Deadline: June 1 by midnight

Make a Community Award Nomination

To join in person and comment:

Council Chambers, City Hall, 456 W. Olive Ave., Sunnyvale, CA 94086

To join online and comment:

  • Join on Zoom
  • Call-in: 833-548-0276 | Meeting ID: 961 1158 0540
  •  To provide audio public comment, connect to the meeting online or by telephone. Use the Raise Hand feature to request to speak (*9 on a telephone).

To watch:

AT&T Channel 99
Comcast Channel 15

To stay informed:

Events Outside the Neighborhood
Should We Say Racial Equity? June 4, 2024, 11am, Sponsored by (PACE) Philanthropy for Active Civic Engagement. What signals are you sending when you say “racial equity?” How do Americans perceive it? Does it drive people apart or bring them together? This event is part of PACE’s Civic Language Webinar Series, to try to answer the question ‘what should we say?
What Should We Say to Rural Communities? July 17, 2024, 11am, Sponsored by (PACE) Philanthropy for Active Civic Engagement. When it comes to civic language, what terms do people in rural communities prefer?  Which words do they think are for them, and which words motivate them to action? This event is part of PACE’s Civic Language Webinar Series, to try to answer the question ‘what should we say?

Recent Events You May Have Missed 

League of Women Voters of Sonoma County offered a virtual series on how our government works.

The League of Women Voters of Sonoma County offered this virtual series on how our government works. If you have been thinking you should learn more about government but never seem to find the time – you’ll love this series!

You can watch the recordings here.

Three Sessions:


LWV Southwest Silicon Valley had a Blockbuster Series on AI & Elections

AI series : Feb 7, Feb 17, Feb 28 2024

In-Depth Series: AI & Elections - Join us for an in-depth series about how Artificial Intelligence (AI) can impact elections and our democracy. AI has emerged as a rapidly evolving force influencing the way we live, work, and interact. 

Session 1: What is AI & How It Could Put Elections and Democracy At Risk 

Recording here


Session 2: The Impact of AI and Misinformation on Voting & What Can We Do About It

Recording here.


Session 3: AI and Public Policy

Recording here.  

LWV Santa Clara County Council Civil Discourse Committee
Planning and Practicing Civil Discourse

Join our Planning Meeting to develop Future Events - we want your ideas and your participation!
Our focus is how we can battle misinformation and biases.

Upcoming Events in Planning: Who Decides What We Teach?, Artificial Intelligence and Its Impact and more.

Join us to continue planning civil discourse events via ZOOM on Monday, May 20, 1pm here.

This 5-minute video with Jeffrey Rosen, President and CEO of the National Constitution Center, addresses the rights and responsibilities of citizenship in a self-governing nation:


Why Have a Civil Dialogue?

You can view the January Event with Tommy Gong - Can We Trust Our Elections - here

- LWV Bay Area Board Update

- Call to LWVBA biennial convention: Zoom meeting:  Friday, June 14, 11:30-2:00 via ZOOM.

Zoom convention featuring LWVBA business, elections, housing policy concurrence, update on Regional Government and Planning study, and guest expert speakers tackling the regional issues of housing, transportation, and community safety with breakouts. 

- Upcoming program in the Death vs. Dollars Series: Housing – the Impact of Housing Instability and Its Quality on Our Health, July 15, 12-1:30; Invited speakers include: Cindy Chavez, Melissa Jones ED of Barhii, and Regina Celestine Williams, ED of sv@home. Stay tuned for more information.
- Death vs. Dollars: Race and Gender Disparities Reflected in Healthcare aired on April 9; 
Speakers included:

  Dr. Susan Rogers, Physicians for a National Program (PNHP)

  Darci Green, Executive Director of Latinas Contra Cancer

You can view the recording here.

- LWV Bay Area League Day - was held Saturday, March 9, 2024 - Participate in "Finding Solutions, Connecting the Dots: Regional Health Equity and Inequities. Our Speakers included Sen. Aisha Wahab, Dr. Mary Ann Dewan, Darris Young and Regina Celestin
Williams - 
The recording of this Virtual Education Event you can view here.

- Interview re Bay Area Housing - If you are interested in the local housing situation and its issues, you may find this interview with Bay Area reporters and Larry Stone (CA State Assessor) of interest:

It features reporters from the Bay Area News Group, experts from local think tanks and Larry Stone. They do a great job of identifying the demographics of who chose to leave, the effects on local government and revenue and the opportunities to catch up on the jobs housing imbalance and to design the future.

Additional educational forums with opportunities for your input are planned for early 2024 prior to any final decision to support the ballot measure. 
More information is available on the BAHFA website here.If you missed the LWVBA’s first Regional Conversation on BAHFA, it is posted on the LWVBA website and our YouTube channel.Throughout this process, Send questions/comments to LWVBA Director Roma Dawson,
The Cupertino-Sunnyvale Event EBlast

Published 10 times a year by the
League of Women Voters of Cupertino-Sunnyvale.
This newsletter is posted on our website:
Editor: Marieann Shovlin
The LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS, a nonpartisan political organization, encourages the informed and active participation of citizens in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy.

Permission is granted to reprint any part of this newsletter with credit to the League of Women Voters of Cupertino-Sunnyvale

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As part of its Privacy Policy the League of Women Voters of Cupertino-Sunnyvale California
 does not buy or sell personal information to third parties.

LWV Cupertino-Sunnyvale (LWVCS)
PO Box 2923
Sunnyvale, CA 94087