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Date: 6/1/2024
Subject: LWVCS VOTER June 2024
From: LWVCS - Cupertino-Sunnyvale League of Women Voters

June 2024  Volume 51 No.11

           Empowering Voters.  Defending Democracy. 
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Co-Presidents' Updates



Summer Activities


We hope you are enjoying the beautiful weather and getting ready for a fun summer. Our volunteers have several great events for you, and we hope you will attend.


BS and the Brain on Jun 5th at 7pm

Marieann Shovlin and her Civil Discourse team have organized a panel of experts to explore the facts and the issues around education content and decisions. You can register for this webinar here.

Annual Meeting on June 8th at 1pm


Our Annual Meeting is just around the corner on June 8th. You can access the kit at AMK   Please review it in advance. This year the meeting will be at the Sunnyvale Community Services Center in their Community Room. We greatly appreciate their willingness to let us use this room.  It will be a hybrid meeting.

This year our guest speakers are Mike Fong, Election Division Coordinator, & Elenita Rudholm, Election Logistics, from the Registrar of Voters (ROV) for Santa Clara County. They will discuss:

·       Ballot security for the Nov 2024 election as well as insights on the March 2024 Primary election, and

·       An opportunity for us to help keep democracy working and raise fund for our League.


Our LWVCS Annual Meeting is one of our most important meetings of the year. This is a meeting where LWVCS Members will:

Be updated on the League's activities in the past year,

Determine our direction, by reviewing, discussing, and adopting:

o   Statements of Position, including reaffirmation or amendment of previously-adopted positions 

o   League Program of action at the Local, County, State, and National levels, as appropriate

o   Discuss the significant change regarding our membership process starting at the national level:

  • Impact on our local league 
  • Possible solutions
  • Take other actions as appropriate

Our Bylaws require that we have a quorum in order to conduct business, so your attendance is important!
Please register today!


LWV Bay Area Biennial Convention, June 14th at 11:30 am


This important meeting will include a panel of expert speakers on housing, transportation and community safety. You can register here.

We look forward to seeing you at one or more of these events. 


Thank you for your support and enjoy your summer,

Elaine & Tracey, Your Co-Presidents

From LWV National...

- Pride Month - Saturday marks the first day of June and Pride Month, a time to celebrate diversity and love across our nation. Although members of the LGBTQIA+ community have greater visibility and legal protections, discrimination is on the rise: 2023 brought an unprecedented number of legislative attacks at the state level against the LGBTQIA+ community, and the Supreme Court legalizing discrimination against same-sex couples in 303 Creative LLC v. Elenis


- One Person One VoteFive times in our nation’s history, the presidential candidate with the most votes was not elected to office. Our current system prioritizes the power of the Electoral College — an outdated racist relic — to disempower voters instead of prioritizing the power of its people. Our president should be elected by the people — not the Electoral College. The League launched our One Person One Vote campaign. This campaign is a critical step in our “moonshot” goal of abolishing the Electoral College and pushing towards true representation: a democracy powered by the people, for the people. Join us in spreading the message! You can find more information, sign up for email updates, and access our social media toolkit at Don’t forget our internal resources for Leagues on the League Management Site!


LWV Convention - June 27-30, 2024, Washington, DC - You can participate virtually! 


If you have not already registered, do so before our deadline on Monday, June 10. Our Convention website is regularly updated with need-to-know information, like our delegate resources and agenda — which includes our “Turn Up for One Person, One Vote” panel, focusing on our new campaign and the Electoral College. The panel will be hosted in-person, as well as livestreamed on our Facebook page.


- LWVUS has established a partnership with the Algorithmic Transparency Institute to provide League members with a weekly online Election Rumors Briefing that reports on rumors (mis- and dis-information), conspiracy theories and hateful content relevant to democracy, voting and elections. This week, for example, the briefing covered false claims about USPS delays enabling election interference, confusion about poll watchers, lawsuits claiming states are not maintaining clean voter rolls, non-citizen voting, and voting rights for convicted felons.

It's every Monday at 12:30-1 p.m. Pacific. Sign up if you would like to participate.

- Framing the Future ZOOMS - Register to attend monthly LWV US Framing the Future Office Hours hosted by LWVUS - third Wednesday of the month at 1pm.
    Catching Up On LWVCS Events
    - Check our website for Event Details
    - LWVCS Monthly Board Meeting, June 4, 7pm, check website
    - LWVCS Coffee Hour - June 20, 11-12, join here to ask questions, get information
    - LWVCS Communications Committee Meeting - June 20, 4pm, join here  
    - LWV Santa Clara County Civil Discourse Committee - June 17,1pm, join here
    - LWVCS Annual Meeting, June 8, 12-4pm, Register here

                                                  You Can Do It - Get involved in your League - Get on a Committee - check here and/or contact

    Did You Forget?


    Annual Development Campaign


    Did you miss the request for a donation in the announcement of the Annual Meeting? Did you see it and intend to donate but forgot? Maybe you wanted to donate but lost the contact information. Or you just haven’t gotten around to it. Whatever the reason, the League would appreciate your donation at this time.


    Here is how you can do it: to donate electronically, go to our website, and click the Donate box. There you will see how you can donate online or if you prefer to write a check, at that site, there is a form you can print to send with a check.


    The need to empower voters and defend democracy is critically important this election year and your financial support allows us to deliver on our mission. Donating to the League is an investment in democracy. Thank you!

    Roberta Hollimon

     LWVCS Coffee Hour -
    Informal Conversations about League.
    Join us at our regular third Thursday, June 20th Coffee Hour at 11am here

    If you missed April's most interesting presentation on Leadership Sunnyvale with Tara Martin Milius - check here 

    You can view recordings from all our Coffee Hours here.

    Upcoming LWV Civil Discourse Committee Event!


     Who Decides What We Teach? on Wednesday, June 5, 7-8:30pm 


    Join our education experts to explore the facts and the issues around education content and decisions. Our panelists will speak to federal, state, and local “rules,” parental notification & participation, sensitive topics (sex, race, gender, pronouns, etc.), ethnic studies, civics, climate change, and more.


    Our expert panelists include J. Manuel Herrera of the East San Jose Union Board of Education, Jennifer DiBrienza of the Palo Alto Unified School Board and Graham Clark, Superintendent Fremont Union High School District.


    Our goal is to provide information about how curriculum is determined and taught, who controls the process, and potential improvements.

    Our panelists will have a conversation around

    o   What curriculum topics are people concerned about – and why?

    o   As a democratic society, how should we approach these topics?

    o   Who are the final arbiters of content being taught?

    o   What role should parents have in determining content?

    Register here.

    Event Updates
    - From LWV San Jose Santa Clara Serving San Jose, Santa Clara, Milpitas, Morgan Hill & Gilroy

    Join us Saturday, June 8, 2024, at 10am via ZOOM to hear Ann Ravel discuss "Is American Democracy Backsliding?"

    Ann Ravel, Past Chair of the Federal Election Commission and International Elections Observer, will discuss attacks on America's electoral processes and election administrators, the impact of dark money in elections, and what we might be surprised to learn about Mexico's electoral system and constitutional law.

    The public is invited to attend and are welcome to stay for the business meeting that will follow her talk.

    REGISTER NOWto attend this event. The Zoom room will open at 9:45 a.m. and our speaker will begin at 10 a.m. We expect the business meeting to begin at about 10:50 a.m.

    - Also from SJSC League - "How to Navigate Misinformation Online" by Author Sam Wineburg, Thursday, July 18, 2024, 12 noon-1 p.m. via Zoom

    Stanford University Professor Emeritus Sam Wineburg will share tips from his 2023 book Verified: How to Think Straight, Get Duped Less, and Make Better Decisions About What to Believe Online, co-authored with research scientist Mike Caulfield.

    Professor Wineburg wants to help citizens use the internet as a powerful fact-checking tool, rather than as a place to become immersed in conspiracy theories. "You can often find out if something is reliable or a sham in as little as 30 seconds," he says. One reviewer commented that his book "offers clear advice on how to navigate a word of spin, trolls and lies."

    Educated at Brown and U.C. Berkeley, he holds a doctorate in psychological studies in education from Stanford. Since 2016 his research has focused on how people judge the credibility of digital content. In 2020, his work on digital literacy was honored with UNESCO's "Global Media and Information" award.

    REGISTER now for this Lunch with League webinar and ask questions you would like our speaker to address in his talk. This event is free and open to the public so please pass along this invitation to others. 

    Framing the Future ZOOMS - Register to attend monthly LWV US Framing the Future Office Hours hosted by LWVUS - third Wednesday of the month at 1pm. 

    - Mis/Disinformation: How to Recognize and Respond To It - Community Conversations are a joint project of the Contra Costa County Library, LWV Diablo Valley and LWV West Contra Costa County, and CCTV.  Check out previous Community Conversation on this topicMaking Democracy Work: Tools for Finding the Facts.


     The League of Women Voters of Sonoma County is pleased to offer a virtual series on how our government works: 

     Three Sessions

    Recordings of California State Government 

    Quickly and easily improve your "government IQ". If you know a lot about government, this series will be a good refresher. If you have been thinking you should learn more about government but never seem to find the time – you’ll love this series!
     Lots Going On in the Community - Take a Look at These Events!
    • The Registrar of Voters (ROV) Election Logistics and Voting Systems (ELVS) would like to invite civic clubs, high school band booster clubs, high school activities members, Key Clubs, Leos, Scouts, PTAs, sports leagues, corporate community engagement committees, neighborhood associations and many other organizations to consider various election volunteer opportunities with the ROV. ELVS’ election volunteer can earn a stipend and may opt to donate any stipend earned to the benefit of their club/organization (think fundraising!). Visit the website: for more information or call ELVS
    •  Santa Clara County Office of EducationVisit the SCCOE Newsroom for the latest news and updates.
      • Youth Voter Toolkit link here


      • From the Santa Clara County Library:

        Have you checked out your library programs lately – lots going on!

        Programs for youth, teens, and even adults. Just like LWVCS, they are looking for volunteers – for tutoring who are willing to provide homework help to students in grades K-6 in the topics of Math, Science, and English. 

        Take a peek here.

    LWV Santa Clara County

    Civil Discourse Committee

    Our upcoming program series is titled "BS and the Brain - Who Decides What We Teach?
    June 5, 7-8:30pm
    A Panel with Education Experts
    Register here!
    Help us with future event planning!
    Join our next planning meeting June 17, 1pm here
    In addition to planning future CD events, we will discuss Palo Alto U's invitation (, to help increase their students voter registration and civic engagement.  That might include a lunchtime session on 'Civil Discourse Engagement' and/or review of ballot issues.
    View the recordings of prior events here.

    LWC Bay Area - LWVBA

    • LWV Bay Area Biennial Convention is June 14

      Call to LWVBA Biennial Convention 2024, Friday, June 14, 11:30-2:00, Via Zoom, Register Here

      View & Download The Biennial Convention Kit here
      View & Download the LWVBA Biennial Report 2022-2024 here

      Call to Bay Area Leagues to register and send delegates: This is a Zoom convention featuring LWVBA business, budget, elections, Program-Issues of Emphasis 2024-26, housing policy concurrence, and update on Regional Government and Planning study. For League delegates and participants, the LWVBA Biennial Convention 2024 kit with agenda and all background materials and reports is available and outlines rules of convention, process for amending if needed with deadlines, process for nominating open positions from the floor, and information needed for informed decision-making.

      Guest speakers include:
      Daniel Saver, Assistant Director, Housing and Local Planning, Metropolitan Transportation Commission, presenting a regional perspective on Housing- Transportation-Environment Strategies

      Sarah Walsh as Abigail Adams. Don’t miss the special welcome from Abigail Adams who will share the politics, family and women’s rights as wife of President John Adams and as her own person. You will meet and hear Abigail’s life through first-person historical interpreter Sarah Walsh.

      Register now by clicking here. To facilitate business of LWVBA, each League needs to be represented to approve steps forward. Voting members of the Convention include LWVBA Board members, Presidents and delegates chosen by the local Bay Area Leagues. The number of delegates for each League is determined by the membership numbers transmitted from LWVUS and Article 10 of LWVBA bylaws (the latest report with delegate count is cited in the Convention kit). Please register individually and add your League to your name. We ask each League to also send separately the names of their delegates to

      Register Here

      League Leaders, please include these events in your next Voter.
      Subscribe to Bay Area Monitor Notes Here:


      More Bay Area News on the website here

    • Bay Area League Day - "Connecting the Dots: Building Healthy Communities" You can view the recording here.

    League Day 2024 focuses on creating healthy communities and the inter connections of health and policy. Experts will define the interrelationship of social, economic, education and healthy living, and discuss solutions to Bay Area health equity and inequities.
    Guest speakers included State Senator Aisha Wahab (District 10), state Chair of Public Safety and Health Committees, committed to advocacy work and legislation addressing housing affordability, civic engagement, education and economic inequality. She was joined by Dr. Mary Ann Dewan, Santa Clara County Superintendent of Schools, and representatives from housing, health, and environment problem solvers.

    • You can view prior event recordings here and

      Death vs Dollars Chronic Disease - here

    • Impact of Race and Gender -here

    •  Debrief on BAHFA  program - LWVBA Video BAHFA with Kate Hartley: BAHFA
    City Meeting Agenda


     City Council Meeting, June 4, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. , Agenda

    Live Webcast 

    To view the minutes and webcast archives visit: 
    Agenda, Minutes & Webcast Archives


    Agenda link here   Contact Phone: 408.777.3223
    Cupertino City Updates
    • Updated City Council status here
    • Cupertino News & Events here.
    • Cupertino State of the City 

      If you  missed the event you can view the celebration on the city’s YouTube channel. The San Jose Spotlight highlighted her speech in this article entitled, Cupertino mayor optimistic about city’s future. This link has the  full transcript of the mayor’s speech.

    • Vallco Project Update - Second Modification to the Rise Development Approved 

      The City has approved the second modification to the Rise Development pursuant to streamlined, ministerial processes allowed under state law for projects that include a specified percentage of affordable housing units. Formerly the Vallco Town Center Development, the Rise is a mixed-use housing development with 2,669 units, of which 890 units are affordable to lower income households. The modified project includes 47 townhomes, which were not contemplated in the previously approved project. The project also includes approximately 1.95 million square foot of office space, 225 million square foot of retail space and at grade open space areas. The approval documents and approved plans are available online at

    • Cupertino Chamber of Commerce - check out their activities here



    Sunnyvale City Events Calendar - and More... here
      Sunnyvale City Governance
    • City Council Welcomes In-person Public Participation
      •    Go to, find the date of the meeting, then click on Meeting Details. 
      • The agenda for the Tuesday, June 4, 2024 Council meeting is available for:

        Special Meeting: Study Session - 5 p.m.
        Special Meeting: Special Order of the Day - 6:30 p.m.
        Regular Meeting - 7 p.m.
        Joint Meeting of City Council and Sunnyvale Financing Authority - 7 p.m.

        View Meeting Agenda

        To join in person and comment:

        Council Chambers, City Hall, 456 W. Olive Ave., Sunnyvale, CA 94086

        To join online and comment:

        Call-in: 833-548-0276 | Meeting ID: 961 1158 0540

        To provide audio public comment, connect to the meeting online or by telephone. Use the Raise Hand feature to request to speak (*9 on a telephone).

        To watch:

    • City of Sunnyvale Top 30 Project Summaries Project Summary List  Has Valuable Updates On Priority Projects For Sunnyvale.

    Sunnyvale Chamber of Commerce Events

    LWV Cupertino-Sunnyvale
    Board of Directors
    Co-Presidents: Elaine Manley & Tracey Edwards
    Secretary: acting: Debbie Timmers
    Treasurer: Beth Claywell
    Voter Service Director: Pam Anderson 
    Membership Director: Nina Wong-Dobkin
    Online Access Team Director: Marilyn Sherry 
    Technical Services Director: Bruce Kendall
    Online Events Coordinator: Debbie Timmers
    Director at Large: Polly Bove 
    Director at Large: Bill Wilson
     Nominations Chair: Marieann Shovlin

    LWV Cupertino-Sunnyvale Board Meeting Notes - May Meeting, 2024

    -       Community Appeal Outreach

    -     Register for our LWVCS Annual Meeting June 8, 1-4

    -     Updates from Coach Kathee Tyson re League transformation and memberships - reference here
    -    Potential opportunity for additional income via ROV project
    -    Voter Service Committee will meet 2nd Thursday of month at 7:30pm  

    -       Next Board meeting June 4, 7pm, join via website link.

    June, 2024   Quote: 

    “I will not allow my life's light to be determined by the darkness around me."   Sojourner Truth

    Elected Officials Representing Cupertino & Sunnyvale 

    For contact information and  more detail visit:


    Join the League of Women Voters

    Voting membership in the League of Women Voters is open to men and women 16 years of age and beyond.
    Annual Membership:
    $100 Individual member
    $50 for each additional member in the same household: 

    Free for full-time students at this time
    The Cupertino-Sunnyvale VOTER

    Published 10 times a year by the
    League of Women Voters of Cupertino-Sunnyvale.
    This newsletter is posted on our website:
    Editor: Marieann Shovlin
    The LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS, a nonpartisan political organization, encourages the informed and active participation of citizens in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy.

    Permission is granted to reprint any part of this newsletter with credit to the League of Women Voters of Cupertino-Sunnyvale

    League of Women Voters of Cupertino-Sunnyvale

    PO Box 2923

    Sunnyvale, CA 94087

    Follow Us

    Support Us

     Donate Subscribe | Join   

    As part of its Privacy Policy the League of Women Voters of Cupertino-Sunnyvale California
     does not buy or sell personal information to third parties.

    LWV Cupertino-Sunnyvale (LWVCS)
    PO Box 2923
    Sunnyvale, CA 94087