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Date: 6/15/2024
Subject: Summer Events You Don't Want to Miss - EBlast
From: LWVCS - Cupertino-Sunnyvale League of Women Voters

June 15, 2024

Celebrate Juneteenth!



And from LWV US President,
"June is National Immigrant Heritage Month. As we mark this heritage month, we must acknowledge that this nation’s history of immigration is both beautiful and complicated. Immigrants enrich every community in this country, while navigating systems that can be fraught with obstacles. The determination and energy of each generation of immigrants has propelled our nation forward... 

This month is a reminder that our polices and systems must live up to our stated values of embracing and welcoming all. I leave you with the words of Emma Lazarus, now enshrined at the Statue of Liberty:

'Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!' ”


Civic Listening Corps Signup

The League of Women Voters and the Algorithmic Transparency Institute have partnered to establish a volunteer program for League members and their community to combat mis- and disinformation.

The Civic Listening Corps is a volunteer network of individuals trained to monitor for, critically evaluate, and report misinformation on diverse topics central to our civic life: including voting, elections, public health, civil rights. When you join, you will get training on how to monitor for and report examples of misinformation, and then you can sign up to participate in civic listening shifts where you commit to join fellow volunteers in actively identifying problematic content circulating in your community. You can read more about the program here:


Cupertino-Sunnyvale Community Appeal!

Voters are always calling or writing to thank us for helping them cast their ballot. There was one who wrote and said her permanent residence is in Cupertino but every autumn she teaches at a school in the east for the fall semester and wasn’t sure she could still vote in California. After several phone calls and messages between one of our members and the Registrar of Voters, we were able to tell her she would be able to receive her California ballot in the east and to go ahead and mark it and mail it in.


This is just one of many stories from voters who thank our League for helping them with the elections. Our members work as volunteers but the League has expenses and your donation help us continue our work. This is the time we reach out to members and the community and ask for a donation. If you missed the previous instructions on how to do it, here they are: To donate electronically, go to our website, and click the Donate box. There you will see how you can donate online or if you prefer to write a check, at that site, there is a form you can print to send with a check.


Thanks for your help.

Roberta Hollimon
LWVCS Coffee Hour - Third Thursdays,
11am, June 20, with LWVCS leaders and members to learn about LWV National, LWVCS and LWV activities
- Join here - or via our website calendar link

To catch up on previous Coffee Hours, check here.


In The Neighborhood...

- DeAnza Academy  Registration is OPEN

Summer Academy classes are open for registration. Plan your class schedule early as classes do fill up quickly.

Visit our website today and learn how toset up your student profile and register for classes.

Classes for middle school & high school students at De Anza College begin Monday July 1, 2024. Registration closes at 11:59 p.m. June 27, 2024.

- Online classes begin Monday June 17, 2024. Registration closes at 11:59 p.m. June 13, 2024.

- Safeguarding Free and Fair Elections in California and the US , June 17, Monday, 10-11am, Join us to learn from two Secretaries of State:

- Certified Election Observer program Contra Costa County: Check it out here.

- What Should We Say to Rural Communities? July 17, 2024, 11am, Sponsored by (PACE) Philanthropy for Active Civic Engagement. When it comes to civic language, what terms do people in rural communities prefer?  Which words do they think are for them, and which words motivate them to action? This event is part of PACE’s Civic Language Webinar Series, to try to answer the question ‘what should we say?
DEI Pulse Check: Where Are(n't) We , hosted by The National Conflict Resolution Center on Jun 18, 2024 12:00 PM
 Some seismic shifts are shaking up how the corporate world views DEI initiatives. Join us as we discuss how to approach the changing dynamics of DEI. Over the past few years, organizations of all sizes have invested in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives to address imbalances and promote racial equality. Now, companies are paring back those efforts or considering dropping them altogether, so what's next for DEI? Join us on June 18 to explore the DEI landscape and its future. Register here

From Fremont Union High School District


FUHSD News here


Dear FUHSD Community,

On Monday, June 17, FUHSD staff will host an informational meeting for individuals who are interested in running for the FUHSD Board of Trustees in the November 2024 election. This Board Candidate Informational Session will be held from 4 to 4:45 p.m. in the Board Room at the FUHSD District Office (located at 589 W. Fremont Ave., Sunnyvale). This will be an in-person only meeting.

As you may be aware, the 2024 election will be our first under the By-Trustee Area elections process. (As a reminder, please note that this is not a boundary change for school attendance areas or change in where students attend school, rather a change in how the Board is elected). Following a thorough and comprehensive nine month long process of gathering community input about trustee areas and draft maps, the FUHSD Board of Trustees adopted a final trustee area map for the district on April 24, 2024. This map was subsequently approved by the County Committee on School District Organization on May 13, 2024. The adopted map, titled Scenario 5 – Revised, can be found on our Trustee Areas webpage.
along with additional information about the transition from At-Large to By-Trustee Area elections. In November, the two trustee areas that will have seats up for election will be Area 2 and Area 5. Prospective candidates must live within these trustee areas in order to run for election in each of the respective areas.

If you are interested in potentially running for election in Trustee Area 2 or Trustee Area 5, we hope that you will attend this meeting to learn more about the role of the Board. Please also share this information with anyone you know who may have an interest in running for a seat on the FUHSD Board of Trustees.

FUHSD Board Candidate Informational Session - Monday, June 17, 2024 from 4 to 4:45 p.m. at the FUHSD District Office (Board Room), 589 W. Fremont Ave., Sunnyvale

Best, Rachel Zlotziver

Get Your Grads Vote-Ready!

Congratulations to your recent grad! 

Graduation is an incredible achievement. They've spent countless hours learning about the world around them, formulating their own ideas, conversing with people whose experiences differ from their own, and developing their own worldviews.

In other words, they've honed one-of-a-kind perspectives that must be heard  — and one way to elevate those voices is through their vote.

To celebrate your grad and empower them to start their democratic journey, we've compiled the following postcards directing them towards all the tools they'll need to vote at Share them via email, social media, or however you prefer to chat with your loved one!

Once again, congratulations!


LWV Santa Clara County Council Civil Discourse Committee
Planning and Practicing Civil Discourse

Join our Planning Meeting to develop Future Events - we want your ideas and your participation!
Our focus is how we can battle misinformation and biases.

Upcoming Events in Planning: Who Decides What We Teach?, Artificial Intelligence and Its Impact and more.

Join us to continue planning civil discourse events via ZOOM on Monday, June 17, 1pm here.

This 5-minute video with Jeffrey Rosen, President and CEO of the National Constitution Center, addresses the rights and responsibilities of citizenship in a self-governing nation:


Why Have a Civil Dialogue?


Did you miss our “Who Decides What We Teach?” event?

You can view the recording here.

You can view the January Event with Tommy Gong - Can We Trust Our Elections - here

LWV US Convention Updates:

 Our agenda for the 56th Biennial League of Women Voters

National Convention in Washington, DC, and online, June 27 – 30,

now includes all breakout sessions!


League members are invited to attend National Convention as voting delegates or as observers.

Check out the registration information on the Convention website to learn more.  

Convention registration is open until June 10, and the deadline for reserving a hotel room in the LWV room block is June 3. 



- Special Pre-Convention Event How Can We Disagree Better to Build Trust in our Democracy, 7-8pm EDT (4pm PDT), June 26, 2024


Attendees planning to participate in this session are asked to complete this form.

Americas are losing faith in the institutions that used to bind us. We need community and elected leaders to help model and build the way back to common ground. This session will highlight examples of how we can disagree better and provide opportunities to bring those skills into our democracy work.In this interactive session, we will explore ways to help us apply “disagree better” techniques and activities to promote harmony in the institutions that are so essential to American life.  The goal is to help empower community leaders and voters alike to elevate cooperation over conflict, and compromise over rhetorical combat. Attendees will take away ideas and tools to help them apply “disagree better” techniques to the trusted offerings of LWV information, election service and post-election civic engagement opportunities in their communities.   Sponsored by LWV & NICD.

Please register here


Next City Council meeting: June 18, 6:45pm 



Live Webcast 

To view the minutes and webcast archives visit: 
Agenda, Minutes & Webcast Archives

- City of Cupertino June 21, 2024, 6:30-8:30, Disco at Disk – Fun for All Ages – check it out here


- Sip of History Dinner - Join us for our annual fun-draiser, a Sip of History dinner celebrating our local history and community at the Cupertino Historical Society & Museum on Friday, June 28, 5-8pm, Quinlan Community Center  10185 North Stelling Road Cupertino, CA 95014; tickets $125. here

- Cupertino Swiftly Adopts State-Approved Housing Element! 


Just a month after receiving the approval letter from HCD, the City of Cupertino adopted its Housing Element at last night’s council meeting. Council adopted the 2023 – 2031 Housing Element.

As background, the Housing Element is required by State law to be updated every eight years to determine the City’s housing needs, identify constraints to housing development, identify policies to encourage the development of housing, and demonstrate that the City has housing sites available to accommodate its allocation of new housing across a range of income levels during the eight years, 2023-2031. Cupertino’s housing allocation, determined and assigned by the State’s Housing and Community Development Department (HCD), is 4,588 housing units.

Since receiving HCD's letter, the City has held meetings with the Housing and Planning Commissions and the City Council to certify the Housing Element. The next step is the rezoning process, which is expected to be completed in July. At that point, the final draft of the Housing Element will be submitted to HCD for certification. 


Latest News on The Rise (Vallco Center Development) can be viewed here.


Sunnyvale City News & Events info here.


City Council & Commissions Meetings info here.


Did you miss any of our past speakers or would like to watch one again? Our recorded events from 2017 to current are available on our YouTube channel.

Watch previous Sustainability Speaker Series events.

Council meetings are held at least two Tuesdays a month at 7 p.m., Council Chambers, 456 W. Olive Ave.

Subscribe Options

Viewing Options Council meetings are:

  • Televised on the City's government access cable TV channel (AT&T channel 99 and Comcast channel 15). They are replayed Wednesdays at 7 p.m., and Saturday and Sundays at 4 p.m.
  • Broadcast on the Sunnyvale City Clerk YouTube Channel
  • Streamed online (Legistar system)


Recent Events You May Have Missed 

League of Women Voters of Sonoma County offered a virtual series on how our government works.

The League of Women Voters of Sonoma County offered this virtual series on how our government works. If you have been thinking you should learn more about government but never seem to find the time – you’ll love this series!

You can watch the recordings here.

Three Sessions:


LWV Southwest Silicon Valley had a Blockbuster Series on AI & Elections

AI series : Feb 7, Feb 17, Feb 28 2024

In-Depth Series: AI & Elections - Join us for an in-depth series about how Artificial Intelligence (AI) can impact elections and our democracy. AI has emerged as a rapidly evolving force influencing the way we live, work, and interact. 

Session 1: What is AI & How It Could Put Elections and Democracy At Risk 

Recording here


Session 2: The Impact of AI and Misinformation on Voting & What Can We Do About It

Recording here.


Session 3: AI and Public Policy

Recording here.  

- LWV Bay Area Board Update
- Upcoming program in the Death vs. Dollars Series: Housing – the" Impact of Housing Instability and Its Quality on Our Health", July 18, 12-1:30; Invited speakers include: Cindy Chavez, (invited) Assembly Member Pal, and Regina Celestine Williams, ED of sv@home. Stay tuned for more information.
- Death vs. Dollars: Race and Gender Disparities Reflected in Healthcare aired on April 9; 
Speakers included:

  Dr. Susan Rogers, Physicians for a National Program (PNHP)

  Darci Green, Executive Director of Latinas Contra Cancer

You can view the recording here.

- LWV Bay Area League Day - was held Saturday, March 9, 2024 - Participate in "Finding Solutions, Connecting the Dots: Regional Health Equity and Inequities. Our Speakers included Sen. Aisha Wahab, Dr. Mary Ann Dewan, Darris Young and Regina Celestin
Williams - 
The recording of this Virtual Education Event you can view here.

- Interview re Bay Area Housing - If you are interested in the local housing situation and its issues, you may find this interview with Bay Area reporters and Larry Stone (CA State Assessor) of interest:

It features reporters from the Bay Area News Group, experts from local think tanks and Larry Stone. They do a great job of identifying the demographics of who chose to leave, the effects on local government and revenue and the opportunities to catch up on the jobs housing imbalance and to design the future.

Additional educational forums with opportunities for your input are planned for early 2024 prior to any final decision to support the ballot measure. 
More information is available on the BAHFA website here.If you missed the LWVBA’s first Regional Conversation on BAHFA, it is posted on the LWVBA website and our YouTube channel.Throughout this process, Send questions/comments to LWVBA Director Roma Dawson,
The Cupertino-Sunnyvale Event EBlast

Published 10 times a year by the
League of Women Voters of Cupertino-Sunnyvale.
This newsletter is posted on our website:
Editor: Marieann Shovlin
The LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS, a nonpartisan political organization, encourages the informed and active participation of citizens in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy.

Permission is granted to reprint any part of this newsletter with credit to the League of Women Voters of Cupertino-Sunnyvale

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 does not buy or sell personal information to third parties.

LWV Cupertino-Sunnyvale (LWVCS)
PO Box 2923
Sunnyvale, CA 94087