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LWVCS Co-Presidents' Letter June 2023

Published on 6/2/2023


Photo, Elaine & Tracey, September 2022

Getting Ready for the League's New Year, New Board, and New Legal Structure


Our fiscal year is about to close and that means it is time for our Annual Meeting which will be on June 24 from 1:30 to 3:30pm at Sunnyvale Presbyterian Church. There are several important topics that will be covered, including our request to change to solely a 501(c)(3) organization.

We are currently both a 501(c)(3) and a 501(c)(4). This is an important decision for our League and we are eager to share our thinking on this proposal. Please attend and make your voice heard through voting on this and other recommended changes for our local League. The Annual Meeting Kit will sent around June 1st.

You can register here. Please note that this will be in person only and will not be on Zoom.

The Annual Membership Meeting will also include the election of the new Board of Directors members for the next two years. If approved we will be welcoming several  new members to our board, saying thank you to several board members who have agreed to continue on the board, and also extending our heartfelt gratitude to each of our outgoing board members. So, please attend the meeting so that you can also thank Roberta Holliman, Marieann Shovlin, and Nancy Smith for all their contribution to LWVCS. We are very fortunate as all three will continue to work with LWVCS just not as board members.

Progress Report - LWVCS  Annual Appeal

Our Annual Appeal is underway and we have raised only $700 of our $4000 goal.

Please consider making a contribution today by clicking HERE. Your generous contributions allow us to continue to serve the residents of Cupertino and Sunnyvale and to empower voters and defend democracy. And know that we always effectively and carefully use your contributions.

Again, please click here to donate  to allow us to fulfill our mission of Making Democracy Work.

LWV California Biannual Convention

Later in this VOTER is a terrific summary provided by our delegates to the recent LWVC Convention. Our delegates have compiled excellent summary articles related to the sessions they attended during the convention.

We look forward to seeing all our members on June 24th at 1:30 at Sunnyvale Presbyterian Church!
 Register Today!

Your Co-Presidents, Elaine & Tracey  

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LWV Cupertino-Sunnyvale (LWVCS)
PO Box 2923
Sunnyvale, CA 94087