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HomeSunnyvale City Council Redistricting

Sunnyvale City Council Redistricting

Sunnyvale Redistricting – next steps

By law, Sunnyvale city council district maps need to be redrawn in 2021 using 2020 Census data.  We are fortunate that  CA Common Cause and LWVC have been working on redistricting at the state and local levels for the last ten years. During this time we have developed best practices in helping cities establish redistricting commissions.  We need your involvement to make this effort work well for Sunnyvale. For those that are interested in participating please review the materials below: 

  1. Watch the video of our interview of Jonathan Stein, Exec Director of CA Common Cause explaining key concepts on Redistricting and the possible processes.   .  One Feb. 22, 2021 he did another presentation.  It can be seen here: 
  2. Go to to learn more about what other cities are doing.  In particular click on Learn/Best Practices.  We highly recommend the using the “Ordinance Generator” to build your own ordinance.  This will take about 45 minutes but will give you great insight into what needs to be accomplished,
  3. See the Sunnyvale’s new website on Re districting.,
  4. Join us at our next webinar to learn next steps – watch this space for the next date,
  5. Let us know you want to participate by emailing,
  6. Attend the Sunnyvale Council Study Session on Jan 12 from 6-7pm to give your input or at least learn more and help our team, and
  7. Stay engaged in the process until our new map is completed.


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PO Box 2923
Sunnyvale, CA 94087