- Details of LWVCS Positions:
Positions of the Council of the Leagues of Women Voters of S anta Clara County
The five Leagues in Santa Clara County have developed a set of positions on many subjects.
Any of the Leagues of Santa Clara County may, with authorization of the County Council, use these
Santa Clara County League Positions to take stands on issues before county governmental organizations or on ballot measures.
Positions of LWBA: Regional League of Women Voters of the Bay Area
The LWVBA, by including all nine San Francisco Bay Area Counties, makes possible League study and action on region-wide problems and issues. Our positions address Regional Government, Regional Planning, Environment, Natural Resources, Hazardous Materials Management, Social Policy, Surface Transportation, and Airport Transportation.
Local Leagues are authorized to take local action on the basis of our vertical LWVBA Positions.
Positions of LWVC: League of Women Voters of the State of California
The California League maintains a list of Combined National & CA State Positions
Positions of LWVUS: League of Women Voters of the United States of America
The U.S. National LWV has created a downloadable document,
Impact on Issues: A Guide to LWVUS Public-Policy Positions
It's designed to help League members use LWVUS public policy positions effectively at the national, state, local, and regional levels, it's available to read online or to download. There is a summary list of all the LWV National Positions on pages 12 through 16, followed by in-depth history and analysis of each position.