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2024 Elections Are Coming!
Are YOU Ready?

  Mail-in Voting STARTS October 8th
In-Person Voting STARTS October 26th
Ballot Submission ENDS at 8:00 PM
on November 5th

Today is a good day to check your Voter Registration Status and make any needed updates at:     or 

For ongoing, unbiased election information,
           check out and bookmark: - for Candidate Forums & Measures Pro/Con's
affecting Sunnyvale and Cupertino - for info about election resources,
deadlines, and great links for more in-depth research
into Candidates, Measures, and Propositions

Voting STARTS In:
Voting STARTS In:
Voting ENDS In:
Voting ENDS In:

Who We Are and What We Do

We are the
League of Women Voters
of Cupertino & Sunnyvale California


  • We are a grassroots, nonpartisan organization
    • We never support or oppose individual political parties or candidates
  • We provide fact-checked, educational forums and materials
  • Our membership is open to all people 16 and over, of any gender 
  • Our primary focus is the needs of the cities of Cupertino and Sunnyvale, CA but we work with other Leagues locally and nationally
  • Through our advocacy organization, we:

    • study issues,
    • create policies, and
    • take action on those issues on which we have established a policy

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League-Related News Articles

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The VOTER is the-newsletter of the LWVCS - he League of Women Voters of Cupertino-Sunnyvale

  • published ten times a year, early in the month
  • with articles and information related to voting, elections, and public issues
  • of interest to both members and non-members  

The EBlast, is our quick update

  • sent mid-month
  • with information about upcoming events of interest
    • including those presented by LWVCS, other Leagues, and other organizations.

Anyone can request to receive the VOTER and EBlast.
Just click the button below:

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Privacy Note: We never sell our mailing list, and do not purchase lists from others.

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As part of its Privacy Policy the League of Women Voters of Cupertino-Sunnyvale California
 does not buy or sell personal information to third parties.

LWV Cupertino-Sunnyvale (LWVCS)
PO Box 2923
Sunnyvale, CA 94087